Having no previous plans for today, I decided to get up for sunrise to shoot at the reservoir. Once I parked the car and got my gear together, I noticed the clouds were not going to let the sun come through this morning. It had rained the day before and a few times this past week, so the water level was much higher than it has been lately. Unfortunately, the tree stump shown in my post a few days ago is now a few yards into the water. The overcast sky did not work out too well for any landscape ideas I had, so I changed gears to small detail shots. The rain from the day before made fascinating patterns in the sand, uncovering spots of different colored sand. The grass that grew during the summer and early fall is now dying, making for a carpet of brilliant orange color. For much of the morning, I scoured the ground for any potential subjects I could find in the orange grass or red sand. Posted below are two leaves I found: One on this awesome red sand and the other covered in pine needles.